IPO, Bond & FD

Trusted Guide to Your Affluent Tomorrow


At RSFS we provide a diverse array of financial products in the form of IPOs, Bonds, FD, and NPS. We cater to our clients’ investment needs through the awareness, monitoring and services of these investment tools.

We work with the understanding that the same bill doesn’t fit all. Everyone individual has different needs therefore we plan and propose investment tools specific to the need of the individual.


An Initial Public Offerings or IPO is the first offerings of equity shares to the public by a company before listing shares in the stock exchange. That’s how a company raises money for growth and expansion. IPO allows investors to buy the shares in primary market. With the growth of the company in the following years the price of the shares and thus the returns of investment of the investors increases. Our in-house financial team keeps their expertise top-notch with regular researches and market studies. Our research and analysis help to understand and the performance of the companies and their prospects. Thereby, we assist clients to take the right decisions. We make the whole process of IPO investment simple and informative.



A Bond is a debt investment where the investors lend money to an entity that borrows the funds for a certain period of time at a variable or fixed rate of interest. Through the right investment in bonds, we help clients to get capital protection and better tax saving. Since bonds pay regular interest, it helps to generate a stable and predictable source of income. According to the requirements we suggest different types of bonds to clients, like for having an emergency fund we suggest clients to park their money in short-term bonds.



We also provide another safe and conventional investment tool of Fixed Deposit (FD). FDs are a term deposit financial instrument that yields a much higher rate of interest than a regular savings account. Clients invest their money for a flexible tenure that ranges from 6 months to 7 years.



A very important investment option, in retirement planning, is the National Pension System (NPS). NPS is operated by the Government of India as a voluntary defined contribution pension system. It is an EEE (Exempt-Exempt-Exempt) instrument in India where the entire corpus is exempted from tax at maturity, also the entire pension amount when withdrawn becomes tax-free. For salaried individuals, we plan the investment options in various schemes of NPS. We help clients to decide where the pension fund is to be invested to generate the maximum retirement benefit for them.

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